Tuesday, April 14, 2009

"A Glass Can Only Spill What it Contains"

"What new mystery is this? In Overflowing Emptiness, the invisible is seen among the shadows and the mist, before my doubting eyes, the infinite appears in time, the unquestionable is questioned but makes no reply" -mewithoutYou

The lyrics of this song (and almost every other mewithoutYou song) pierce deeply into my thoughts. I hear so many things when I hear these lyrics. I hear that when I am feeling empty I also feel like I'm about to explode with so much emptiness that it just fills me and eats me up inside. I hear that if you look hard enough for the invisible things in life you will see them, but you will not believe that you saw them. I have been looking for God all my life and when I see him among the "shadows and the mist" I doubt it with all my heart, and think that it wouldn't be that easy to see after looking so hard. I hear that I am asking God about the wrong things and that is why I am hearing no reply. 

Saturday, April 4, 2009

One Saturday Morning

Emma and I have been awake for quite some time now. 
We cleaned our room so, now it is partly clean which is fantastic! 
But then we ended up watching a few movies, Semi-Pro and Hound Dog.  
Turns out the time slipped by and it was then 9:00 so we are watching some nice saturday morning cartoons!
 Full day ahead, time to house sit for my mom! YES!