Thursday, May 21, 2009

I may be paranoid, but not an android

Paranoid Android by Radiohead.
Listen to it.
Feel it.
Love it.
Pass it on.

I love this song for so many reasons. To start off, of course those who know me know that I love Radiohead so the fact that it is by radiohead is a pretty big deal! Point number two, the lyrics are thought provoking, calming, motivating and gve me that feeling of love for music. I also very much like the guitar parts in this song, i'm trying to learn it for my boyfriend and that has made me really appreciate the guitar part. I also love the different moods this song goes through, just like how I can go from upset to, happy to sad to loving to concerned and apathetic in a matter of 6:23. 

Amen and amen

1 comment:

  1. Hands down, one of the best songs ever made. You rock babe.
