Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Changing Weather

Not only does the weather keep changing everyday, but so is my mood from day to day.
Well, if I could tame all of my desires  Wait out the weather that howls in my brain  Because it seems that it�s always changing  The wind's indecision, the sorrowful rain  I was a postcard, I was a record  I was a camera until I went blind  Now I�m riding all over this island  Looking for something to open my eyes 
Train Underwater-Bright Eyes
Everyday, or even every hour is different in my head. I can be happy go lucky at one second and then it will completely change. I think about myself too much and I ruin who I love. These drastic changes are starting to make my head hurt. It's like how the weather is changing so often because of "global warming" and eventually it is all going to overflow into a flood. It will eventually flood over my entire being.

1 comment:

  1. i love you and i will always be here for you throughout every single one of your moods :)
    also don't let your head explode....and don't draw pictures of it either :\
